
Due to its modular construction, a wide choice of options and stretch units, the FS380 turntable machines offer a customized solution for almost all your wrapping needs. Their uncomplicated design, focused on easy operation and service, makes them the solution for sites with a variety of operators and products.

    Mast heights
  • 2500 - 3700 mm
    Turntable dimensions
  • 1500 - 2400 mm
    Film carriages
  • Magnetic brake or
    1- or 2-motor pre-stretch
Easy operation


FROMM Turntable stretch wrapping machines, occupy a separate place at the top of the world of pallet stretch wrapping. Their high level of innovation and reliability, means that they perform at the highest level already for decades. All designed for Easy operation and smart working at the lowest possible Total Costs of Ownership.

  • 8 standard turntables of 1500 – 2400 mm
  • Horseshoe turntables for trans-pallets of 1650 and 1800 mm
  • Standard mast heights from 2500 – 3700 mm
  • Options including Film cutting, Top-presses, Floor frames and Scale units

Applications and industries

The construction and easy operation of the FS380 series wrapping machines make them a popular partner in packaging locations with a high volume output, a wide variety of pallets and operators. The choice of different types of film stretching units and associated programming, offers you the possibility to choose the best combination of film, stretching unit and program for your pallets & products. As a result, the most reliable packaging at the lowest possible TCO. Our wrapping specialists will be happy to help you find the best solution.

The FS380 series is particularly suitable for larger shipping locations within e-commerce, contract packaging, logistics, clothing, corrugated board, parts service centers, electronics and household appliances, chemicals, paper and printing, tableware, agricultural and horticultural products.


The table below gives you all key factors of this very reliable and durable device that gives everyone who works with it a secure and familiar feeling.

Mast heightStandard: 2500 mm / Optional: up to 3700 mm
Turntable1500 - 2400 mm / Horseshoe 1650 - 1800 mm
Max. pallet weight2000 kg (turntables)
Control panelStandard: OP1 / OP2 with 99 programs
CarriageStandard magnetic brake C4 / One-motor pre-stretch C6 & C7
Pre-stretchC4: up to 100 % / C6: 150, 200 or 250% / C7: up to 350%
Film thicknessStretch film 10 - 35 my / 500 mm
OptionsCutting device / String formation / Top press / Additional roll holder / Remote control


If you want to orient yourself further, we invite you to download one or more copies of the current product information here. You can of course also choose to ask your information request via the contact information form.

Brochure FS380

Product brochure


Please complete the contact request on the right so we can ensure that we can deliver all the information you are looking for quickly. You will be contacted by the appropriate FROMM office in your area.

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