
Without a doubt unique in its kind and loved by friend and foe. Very lightweight, but extremely reliable. For hand strapping of rods, bundles, tubes, coils and other round or irregular packages. Uses a 1 notch seal.

    Strap qualities
  • Uniflex up to 850 N/mm2
    Ultraflex up to 1100 N/mm2
    Strap dimensions
  • 10.0 - 19.0 x 0.38 - 0.63
    3/4" - 3/4 x .015 - .025"
  • 3.4 kg / 7.5 lbs
Unsurpassed Quality
Advanced Design
Extremely Durable


This lightweight and handy combination strapping tool is ideal for strapping bars, tubes, bundles and goods with an extremely small surface. Simple to operate and totally independent of any energy source the A431 has become established as the
ideal helper. Lap-over seals provided with a single notch joint are used for sealing.


  • Very suitable for strapping of bars, bundles, tubes coils and items with a small surface
  • Independent from any energy source since operated manually


The table below gives you all key factors of this very reliable and durable device that gives everyone who works with it a secure and familiar feeling.

Strapping QualitiesUniflex and Ultraflex max. 1100 N/mm2, 160'000 psi
Strapping Dimensionswidth 10.0 – 19.0 mm / thickness 0.38 – 0.63 mm
Weight3.4 kg / 7.5 lbs
Average seal strengthapprox. 55%
SealsOverlap seals, see chart
Type of jointSingle notch joint


Pictures say more than a thousand words. Download one of our videos and let yourself be convinced of the ease of use and reliability of the device and the end result = good and reliable strapping that allows your product to be transported safely.


If you want to orient yourself further, we invite you to download one or more copies of the current product information here. You can of course also choose to ask your information request via the contact information form.

Datasheet A431

Product datasheet

Steel to plastic conversion

In addition to the conventional systems for steel strapping, FROMM has developed equipment for polyester strapping. This new type of strapping is flexible, absorbing shock impact during shipping, loading and unloading more effectively than steel strapping. The range is divided in pneumatic, manual and electric tools. Electric tools allow an independent working range, ideal for applications requesting not only flexible handling of the tool but also high tension of the strap.

Plastic Strapping Tools


Please complete the contact request on the right so we can ensure that we can deliver all the information you are looking for quickly. You will be contacted by the appropriate FROMM office in your area.

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