
Powerful, reliable and consistent pneumatically powered and maintenance-friendly 2-in-1, seal less tool. The perfect solution for production lines where high consistent tension and seal efficiency is a must. Easy setting and locking, secure that consistency and allow you to operate in manual or semi-automatic mode.

    Strap qualities
  • Polyester (PET) plain and embossed
    Strap dimensions
  • 19 - 32.0 x 0.60 - 1.53
    3/4 - 1 1/4" x .023 - .060"
    Strap tension
  • 2000 - 3500 N, 450 - 785 lbs / 4000 - 7000 N, 900 - 157 lbs
    Sealing type
  • Friction weld sealing
    Max. air pressure
  • 6.0 bar / 87 psi
  • 8.9 kg / 19.6 lbs
Unsurpassed Quality
Advanced Design
Extremely Durable


The FROMM P359 delivers an impressive high tension of up to 7000N (1575 lbs). This new P359 will change the way of packaging in the ferrous and non-ferrous industries, creating massive savings. The unique high tension allows you to pull heavy duty PET strapping, with break-loads up to 17000N in its working range of 40 to 50%, thus enabling a higher level of shock absorption.


  • Unique plastic strapping tool on the market
  • The strapping tool can be used in two button (manual) or in one button operation mode (semi-automatic) by turning the adjustment screw for operation mode
  • High tension force up to 7000N
  • Ideal for heavy duty applications with strapping dimensions of 19 to 32 mm (¾ to 1 ¼“) and a thickness up to 1.53 mm (.060“)
  • Pneumatically powered reliable and service friendly tool
  • The strap tension can be adjusted individually using the adjustment system – thus the package is secured with a perfectly tensioned strap
  • The sealing time is set individually for a specific strap quality and thickness and a high seal strength is assured


The table below gives you all key factors of this very reliable and durable device that gives everyone who works with it a secure and familiar feeling.

Strapping QualitiesPolyester (PET) plain and embossed
Strapping Dimensionswidth 19 – 32.0 mm / thickness 0.60 – 1.53 mm
Weight incl. 4.0 Ah battery8.9 kg / 19.6 lbs
Tool size with 4.0 Ah batteryL372 x W176 x H146 mm / 14.7" x 6.9" x 5.7"
Type of sealFriction weld sealing
Average seal strengthapprox. 75% (dependent on the strap quality)
Tension force2000 – 3500 N, 450 – 785 lbs / 4000 - 7000 N, 900 - 1570 lbs (adjustable)
Tension speedapprox. 120 mm/s or 60 mm/s
Max. air pressure6.0 bar / 87 psi
Suspension bracketsupplied with the tool


Pictures say more than a thousand words. Download one of our videos and let yourself be convinced of the ease of use and reliability of the device and the end result = good and reliable strapping that allows your product to be transported safely.


If you want to orient yourself further, we invite you to download one or more copies of the current product information here. You can of course also choose to ask your information request via the contact information form.

Datasheet P359

Product datasheet

Flyer P359

Product flyer

Brochure Pneumatic Tools

Product brochure


Please complete the contact request on the right so we can ensure that we can deliver all the information you are looking for quickly. You will be contacted by the appropriate FROMM office in your area.

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