
FROMM strapping heads have been designed for automatic heavy duty industrial strapping installations. For use in a wide range of industrial applications our strapping heads can be installed at the top, at the side or in a horizontal plane of a fully automatic strapping machine.

    Strap qualities
  • Uniflex up to 850 N/mm2
    Ultraflex up to 1100 N/mm2
    Strapping dimensions
  • 19.0 x 0.64 - 0.90 mm
    32.0 x 0.64 - 1.00 mm
  • 200 kg / 400 kg
Unsurpassed Quality
Advanced Design
Extremely Durable



  • Heavy strong construction
  • High reliability 98%
  • The perfect double notch joint of the tool A482 (A483) guarantees 75% of the tensile strength of the steel strap (similar
    to 80% reached with 3 punches but a lot higher then 55% with 2 punches necessary for small packs/coils)
  • All current steel straps can be used with elongation from 600-1100N/mm2
    / 87000-160000psi or galvanised
  • Packs can be dirty or with grease (no problems like with welding joints)
  • Using seals available in the market (competitors ask for their own seal)
  • The strap is tensioned through a profiled tension wheel, driven by motor-gear frequency controlled, adjustment by pneumatic clutch with manometer
  • No tension released (not necessary an opposite joint or the Microlock joint)
  • Min. parcel width is 80mm (90mm for 32mm) with hard package, the min coil diam. is approx. 400mm.
  • Small hexagonal tubes with 85mm side
  • Strapping line asymmetric for slit coils: radial strap through the eye for coils with ext. diameter 700-800mm
  • Circumferential strap for coils with ext. diameter aprox.400mm
  • Strap feed and retract speed is frequency controlled and therefore adjustable
  • Low wearing material; wearing parts in contact with the seal are made for A482 (A483) so available in stock
  • Mechanical switch/sensor to detect the parcel
  • Std Vertical installation including an head stroke to strap packs with similar packs (in a range of 50mm)
  • Option lateral installation to strap packs with Hmin=350mm with strap line at 300mm
  • Option horizontal installation to strap packs with Hmin=200mm with strap line at 150mm


  • Head movement by steering wheel to the best position / External floating device
  • Vertical or horizontal sword, fix or moving machine, with top and or side press, telescopic arc
  • Device to place bunks and or corners on top/bottom/sides positions


The table below gives you all key factors of this very reliable and durable device that gives everyone who works with it a secure and familiar feeling.

Strapping QualitiesUniflex up to 850 N / Ultraflex up to 1100 N
Strapping Dimensions19.0 x 0.64 - 0.90 mm / 32.0 x 0.64 - 1.00 mm
Strapping head typePneumatic
Strap tension19 mm: max. 4000 N / 32 mm: max. 10000 N
Sealing methodPush type seals
Seal strengthup to 75%
Feed/retract speed1 m/s
DimensionL 680 x W 549 x H 851 mm
Weight200 kg / 400 kg


If you want to orient yourself further, we invite you to download one or more copies of the current product information here. You can of course also choose to ask your information request via the contact information form.


Product datasheet

Steel to plastic conversion

In addition to the conventional systems for steel strapping, FROMM has developed equipment for polyester strapping. This new type of strapping is flexible, absorbing shock impact during shipping, loading and unloading more effectively than steel strapping. The range is divided in pneumatic, manual and… Read more electric tools. Electric tools allow an independent working range, ideal for applications requesting not only flexible handling of the tool but also high tension of the strap


Please complete the contact request on the right so we can ensure that we can deliver all the information you are looking for quickly. You will be contacted by the appropriate FROMM office in your area.

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