Integration solutions

We offer an array of options to help optimise your packing process, each with the aim of keeping your packaging cost low and your satisfaction high. We ensure a reliable, continuous operation and an ergonomic solution.

Optimized process

Cost saving


Standard Accessories

Our standard systems are ideal for easy integration, ideal for decentralised applications and remote pack stations with ease of use at the forefront.

  • Manual overhead hopper systems
  • Electrical overhead hopper systems
  • Mobile bins with arcticulated arm
  • Pad holders
  • Electrical winders

Tailor-made solutions

FROMM Integration Solutions (FIS) is your one stop partner for tailor-made and off-the-shelf solutions for complete integration in your packaging line, with the same focus on ease and productivity as standard.

  • Auditing your packing line
  • The right advice for optimizing your line
  • Optimizing pack station ergonomics and productivity
  • Reduding packaging cost
  • Modular scalable solutions
  • Single to multiple pack stations

Video SmartFill Scanner & Shooter

Marketing Material

Brochure Airpad range

Product brochure

Brochure SmartFill Scanner & Shooter

Product brochure

Datasheet AP100 Compact bin

Product datasheet

Datasheet AP100 Hopper

Product datasheet

Datasheet Compact Stand

Product datasheet


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