Non-Ferrous Metals

The non-ferrous industry is characterized to a large extent by its diversity in products, types & qualities, weights, shapes, package assemblies and handling. Often products are packaged at higher temperatures, influencing packaging both materials and processes. FROMM products have been a proven reliable concept.



Optimal fit

Decades of experience

The most common types of Non-ferrous like Aluminum, Zinc, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Tin and  Lead in first instance are produced and delivered coiled or as sheets, bars, slabs and ingots of various sizes. For all these products in their respective circumstances, FROMM offers an attractive solution with its combination of unique strapping tools and strapping machines with its STARstrap™ PET strap. Or full automatic lines of horizontal and vertical Octomeca™ film wrapping machines.

Thinking globally, acting effectively locally, with over 40 FROMM sales and service centres worldwide, we can help you through your tough work environment with excellent logistics and service with our systems. All with the aim of providing a better service, at no extra cost.

Targeted solutions, that best fit your needs

FROMM designs, produces and services the following FROMM products and systems for the Non-Ferrous products industry:

  • Strapping tools & machines, including Automated Strapping Systems – Semi and fully Automated  Octomeca™ Stretch film machines
  • FROMM STARstrap™ PET-strap, Quickstrap™ PP strap or Uniflex™ and Ultraflex™ Steel strap
  • Stretch films in a great variety of thicknesses and qualities, Anti-corrosion films and papers


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